Okay, it took me longer than the 35 minutes the races winner did it in, but I did it in 3 sittings - interrupted by life. I am very pleased with the results.... Here's the picture....
Pretty, huh. It reminds me of the Dutch fields of tulips. (I haven't ironed it yet, either, and it still looks this good.) Thank you again,
Sheila. (Click on her name to see her blog.) You picked some really good fabrics. Page down to see the other pictures I took during the sewing.
(I linked this up to A Creative Princess at a later date!)

This is the start, just after rearranging the Jelly roll. ( To see the excellent Jelly Roll that Sheila sent me go to
#70) Sew the strips together like you would for binding. I did this in a quick way by taking the end not yet sewn and facing it up then adding the next strip over the top and sewing with right sides together. I only had to rip out one seam! I messed up and sewed the wrong side to the right side. After all these years of sewing!!!
Here's the pile after the first long seam. You'll want to keep track of the two ends!!!

Here I'm coming up on one of those pesky places where the seam allowance is going to bunch up when sewn over. Anyway, I used my invention. See the next picture.

I just hold a piece of paper over the seam allowance and sew. Rip off the paper, and you have a really smooth seam crossing. Nothing that's going to save the world, but it will save you some frustration.

Here I'm showing that I rip it right away, so I have the paper for the next seam crossing. Try it for yourself.
The big news today is that I am back on Blogger. This morning I tried to read blogs, and couldn't get onto my dashboard. I read blogs off the list on the blog, and that worked, but it would have kept me from writing any new posts. Luckily it corrected itself about lunchtime. And I'm sorry to say I took off the "Views of Butterflies" and the "Mother Theresa quotes" because they kept putting ads on with them ~ just didn't like that. If I could choose the ads - maybe.
Sew that is the news for today. Thanks for stopping by.