and this is the Me yellow
Some really pretty parrots and purples
and really all kinds of tulip types and colors
This is my favorite the King Orange...
A sign in the gift shop. I guess I'd go find out what Slughorn knew about Voldemort.
Another field of flowers.
And down the street is the lilac farm. This is an azalea (tree), I think.
The sign says what farm it is, but it wasn't open until tomorrow. I took the picture for the tall Monkey Puzzle Tree in the background.
Here's a close up of the Monkey Puzzle Tree. (I have tree envy.) You know I want seeds.
So that's what we did today. Afterwards we took a little car tour of Woodland - they have some lovely over 100 year old homes. (I have home envy, too.) And then we stopped at Dairy Queen. I had the small Blizzard of Carmel Chocolate Truffle. It was delicious. It's great to be retired.
So Happy Weekend to you all.