

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tulip Festival Woodland WA

Lots of pretty flowers... this is the Hubby yellow tulip...LOL

and this is the Me yellow

 Some really pretty parrots and purples

and really all kinds of tulip types and colors

 This is my favorite the King Orange...
A sign in the gift shop. I guess I'd go find out what Slughorn knew about Voldemort.
Another field of flowers.

And down the street is the lilac farm. This  is an azalea (tree), I think.

The sign says what farm it is, but it wasn't open until tomorrow. I took the picture for the tall Monkey Puzzle Tree in the background.
Here's a close up of the Monkey Puzzle Tree.  (I have tree envy.) You know I want seeds.
So that's what we did today. Afterwards we took a little car tour of Woodland - they have some lovely over 100 year old homes. (I have home envy, too.) And then we stopped at Dairy Queen. I had the small Blizzard of Carmel Chocolate Truffle. It was delicious. It's great to be retired.
So Happy Weekend to you all.

4 More Purple Butterflies

I usually take these pictures on my ironing surface, but the space is filled up with stuff taken off of the sewing machine in order to quilt. That's how I work in that little room. On a regular basis I have to move stuff out of the way. There's no set place for it. Then later I have to move it again. The only reason I could find these is when I finish one I bring it out to the computer. That's my couch in the background.

On Saturday I'll share these on the Rainbow Challenge... see the button on the right.
Hubby's computer was taken over by someone... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
He had email up, and went to shave...  While he was gone there were typing beeps going in his machine. I thought, at first, that it was his printer, but it was coming from his computer. After a few minutes of that there was a power down sound, and then the typing sound again. Has this happened to any of you? He called his email carrier, but they say it's a software problem. And while he was on the phone with them some strange list appeared on my post writing field for the title. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  I guess the updates added this morning (again without my permission) is to blame for that. Microsoft what are you doing to us?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.