

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Banner...

Dear Friends,

Thank You all for your kind words of comfort. The memorial for my Chrissy will be next weekend, and I will be away a few days before and a few afterwards. It has been a week of agony and heart ache, and I can't say that I feel better (especially because I'm crying right now, and will for the rest of my life) but I have started to push myself to get back into life - like my Chrissy would want me to do. She was not a crier - mostly cause she never wanted to be like me. I cry watching toothpaste ads.  I'm fat, she was always beautifully thin. She always shared her sunny side, I'm trying to learn that. I can cook, and tried to teach her, but her brothers were merciless in their teenage teasing. She didn't learn at home, but from her hubby, who was a cook when they married. She never learned knitting or crochet, or any of the old granny pursuits, that I like to do. She did start to quilt, mostly because I found so much peace with it, and because she liked to do volunteer work and wanted to make things to donate. She made a few beautiful items for her kids and the pets, then her illness shut that down. She was waaaay more social than I am, she had lots of friends in all the places she has lived.  And we all are missing her so much.

I got all kinds of pictures of her together this week. A friend of hers lives quite near us, came to get them and will put together a video for her memorial and we will all get a CD, so I don't have a picture to put here, but I will try to get some on in a week or so.

I have started to sew again.  There are more blocks of the palms (on the banner) done, but I didn't want to futz with a picture of the new ones. I still don't know if I'm picture-abled again. We'll see in a week or so. 

Thank you for your loving comments. I appreciate your time and the soothing words.

