I missed it! It was July 30 last year when I started this blog, and I missed blogging on the blogaversary! That pretty much says it all. I'm just very blase' about blogging, I guess. Not much happens here, and about half my day is used (and used well, I think) by reading blogs I enjoy. I have had lots of fun reading the blogs, and learned lots of crafty things. I can afford not to purchase magazines because I read blogs where I find travel information; quilting news and patterns and color combinations; also I find out what is new in fashion, and crafts. Just this morning I learned how to light up my shoes on
Craft Magazine, and traveled to a special restaurant in England with
Ramblings from an English Garden. (Don't let the name fool you, she's hardly ever home.) I've added lots of new blogs to my list in one year... I find some of my favorites on other peoples lists, as well. I love to leave comments - especially where there were none. I hate it when I write a post and no one comments, don't you? I just want to say
Thank you all who have visited and left comments, and Thank you for stopping by even if you didn't comment.
So back to the triangles... here's the current pic.

Top row is sewn with a white triangle between each pieced one, and the bottom row didn't show up.

Here is a close up of the sewn ones. I tend to put off things that I'm unsure of, and this quilt is just like all the others have been. "There's always something..." Rosanne Rosannadana.
So here I will leave you to your own devises. Have a wonderful weekend.