Here's what I bought.
I arranged these so you could see the white on white pattern on it, but the camera didn't pick that up. Love that blue batik - I took all that was left on the bolt... 4 yards.
I got a yard of this purple swirl, too, aaaaaand
I needed some brown for the Harry Potter bookcase. It looked like wood to me.
I got a yard of the beige print to beef up the lights in the stash, and a quarter yard of the yellow...MMMMMMMMM
I didn't do much on my yellow scraps this week. Only two new butterflies to add...
I will link up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge though. See the button on the side... you might have to go to her Home button to get to the linky party.
I have been paper piecing on the surprise at the bottom of this post.
Hope you all had as nice a Quilt Day as I did.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Still in the rough, but I couldn't wait to use it for my sign off.
Letter patterns are from Fandom In Stitches/Harry Potter.
I linked up with Beth at 

and Oh Scrap - see the button on the right, and so scrappy for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, see the button on the right.