This is my 70th post... not a giveaway type blogiversary or anything, but a nice round number. Thanks for stopping by.
Today I proclaim how lucky I am.... again! My friend, Sheila, from
Sew Cook and Travel sent me a Pay It Forward gift! It is so awesome!
Well, here's a thousand words...
What she did was wash, iron and cut fabrics into 2 1/2" widths for me to have this rainbow jelly roll. I am so impressed with her generosity! And there are instructions for a quilt along with it. It is called the Jelly Roll 1600 quilt, and some places call it a Race Quilt. You can find out how to make one at It is an ingenious technique. (I had to use the search on that site to find it, and don't remember really how I got there, but once you are there you'll find a YouTube video to watch and see them being made and modeled afterwards.) Anyway, I thought I might just make one like it... sounds easy and quick, and I have been considering making something like it since I made binding last time. I love the look of the diagonal seam and with the lovely rainbow colors Sheila made up for me it'll be gorgeous! Thank you Sheila!!!!
Now, I can't promise such a lovely gift as Sheila gave me, but I would still love to keep up my side of the bargain and give 3 participants a gift each, too. If you would like to receive a mystery gift in the snail mail and then Pay It Forward to 3 lucky recipients, just let me know. I have a year to get you something, and you have a year after receiving a gift from me to send something to your recipients.
Write me a comment saying you would like to do this. Everybody likes to get a package in the mail!
Other pictures...

This is a close up of a hug - as close as I can get to you~ I wanted to show you the "background" of the Hugs and Kisses Quilt that I'm still "working" on. I put working in quotes cause I'm fooling around a bit now. I got a gift and card off to my daughter in time for her birthday this week, and I'm rewarding myself by playing. I needed a break from the XXXs and OOOs. I'm working on a Felix Felicious block from the Harry Potter patterns. They are free from Sewhooked and friends
Here and
Here. I'm thinking that for
THE movie coming out in July - the last one - I'm going to use one of the paper pieced patterns and apply it to a T-shirt for me. That way I'll be in style for the show. I just don't know which of the patterns. I have a Whomping Willow already done and since my #1 grandgirl used to call me Grandma Willow, from Pocahontas movie, that could be appropriate. There are just so many patterns from which to choose! (Gotta use the good grammar in case my daughter reads this.)

These two pictures (above and below) are of my "card" to my DD. (She doesn't read this blog all that often, so she will probably get it before she sees it here. The little flags are diamond shapes cut from decorative papers, and the letters on them are from a sheet of Scrabble letters that I've had for eons. I just happened to have some lovely waxed linen in her favorite color for the string and voila! a card. Magic. (Who says I'm not a witch.) It says Happy Birthday and her name, but she can turn it around and use it year round for a little joy. (As you can see the little trees and stars are still living on the design wall. I just haven't put them together yet. You run out of steam after a while. I think it's going to be a UFO before too long.)
And what post of mine would be complete without a few pictures from the garden?
The chives are blooming again... this one has a Lady Bug on it!
They planted themselves from a potted plant on the patio, and have been doing better here than ever they did there. They are smack up next to my yellow rose, which looks terrible right now. We had a lot of rain the past few days, and the roses all are showing the signs. The sun beats on the beads of water, and burns the roses, and of course the rain and hail beat off most of the petals. And here to prove me wrong...
are the dead roses. Thought you'd like to see all the blooms. When you get near they buzzzzzzz. The bees are enjoying! I'm just happy we have them around!
And here below is a close-up. Smile pretty!
So that wraps it up for me....
Don't forget to leave a comment saying you want to Pay It Forward.