Welcome to my first ever reverse tutorial... What is a reverse tut, you ask. Well I'll tell you. I'm going to explain how not to do something. I've been having lots of troubles with the little triangles! I just started making them and hanging them on the wall, and then I liked them the way they were hung. I had this grand idea that I could lattice them together the way they were hanging with a strip of white and it would continue to look like it does on the design wall... see older posts. I just can't figure it out. Here's what happened when I tried (a thousand times).
As you can see they are not aligned.
I can't figure out what to line up when I start to sew to get them to line up in a row. (That is the reverse tutorial - don't do what I did.) But I did figure out how to use them anyway!
We've got another dilemma, too. We are going on vacation mid August, and will need someone to water the little Halloween plants. I let them go 2 days recently and several of the really hearty catalpa trees got droopy. (You know how I love my little trees! We can't have them drooping.) Another day, and I may have lost them. We are going to have to ask one of the neighbors to come over to water. I hope I can find someone willing, and reliable.
I just got a call from someone speaking in tongues, I think, offering me free baby clothes if I signed up for something. LOL and OMG! Where do these people get their phone lists from? I have no use for baby clothes... even my grandkids aren't babies any more! Oh, it gets better... they called back! This time the manager talked to my hubby - the baby clothes are for anticipated grandkids. Not on your life would I buy or have them around unless someone was pregnant... even my near neighbors are not pregnant. And you wouldn't believe... they called a third time (all within minutes of each other). This has got to be some scam. They said I'd signed up to win $100 at some baby clothes place. Liars! I haven't been near baby clothes or a store dealing baby clothes in decades! Watch yourselves! There are loonies out there.
And on that note I will leave you to your own troubles. May they all be as slight as mine.