

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Blue is the color, and 2 pillows done

So I thought I'd look at my crayons for guidance on the "real" color of blue.  (I hope this isn't a spoiler for you, but for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge  Angela of soscrappy has announced the color for January and it is blue.) So here are my findings.  It took me three different crayons before I found one that said simply "blue"... (I found Cornflower and Cerulean first.)

and here it is. I thought it a bit greyish blue, in person and for my tastes, so I looked up a few other blues for comparison. See below:

The one in the upper left is Pacific Blue, and lower left is Cerulean. On the right top is Cornflower and on the bottom right is Indigo. (Indigo is more my idea of blue.) We will see what the scrap bag and the stash have to offer. I'll have something as near to blue as I can get it by Saturday.
Good Luck to all the RSC players.
I finished the back on the second pillow cover today. (You know I'm slow.)

Yes, the second one is smaller... I boo booed, but no big. I didn't promise that they would be the same.

So tonight we are going to the movies. We're going to see Unbroken.

We would have had the grands over to play cards or board games and snack, but they are all still out of town. I hope they are having a wonderful time. I hope all my peeps are having a wonderful time tonight.... Be Safe! Drive defensively!

Hugs and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2014

A late Christmas gift for Hubby - finished today

I've been  wanting to make something that was beige and brown... this was the easy one. The other one will have to have backing that is pieced. I cut the first one wrong - too big, and now I've got smaller pieces. Oh well. He likes it, and that's all that matters.
Have a great week.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I've always wanted to...

I'm going to try again....

I've followed along long enough! Time to jump in and get some things going. I've long admired the quilts and other things the Rainbow folks make. Plenty of inspiration... I've gotta get me some of that.
So the button is done, and her html is on her side panel... I'm ready so far. Now for some type of block to make during the New Year... I love Sheila's mugs, they are so cute. I don't want to copy her, though. I have an idea... You will just have to stay tuned to find out what I'm planning.
Happy Weekend to you all,

Friday, December 26, 2014

It's not a finish...

I know it's Friday, but I don't have a finish...
I've worked haphazardly on my Drunkard's Path...  we moved 600 miles during the QAL with Vicki Welch. Some of my blocks are missing... I haven't discovered them in their hiding place(s) yet. And there are some already cut and ready to pin and then sew... The scary thing is I've put the templates somewhere and can't find them either. (Good thing my Grandgirl is planning to wait to be married until after they have graduated college. The Love Ring setting of these blocks is to be her wedding quilt gift.) Sew I don't have a finish to link up to Vicky's end of the QAL, but I'll link what I have to show and hope for the best. Here's what I have to show...

Update: Hurray!!! I found the blocks that were missing and the templates... had to weed through a few boxes to find them.  So here they are:

I've got one motif set, and the outer (red and purple) blocks that will continue in the pattern, but be like a border at the end of setting a few motifs together.  So there will be at least 6 motifs - if that works out to be a good size. Ooops! I see a mistook. I've got 2 reds together. Easily fixed now since nothing here is sewn together beyond the 2 piece blocks.
In this picture you can see on the lower right more blocks... Just not enough design wall to accommodate them all. It's a small room and my design wall space keeps getting smaller and smaller as I empty boxes.
As I was emptying boxes I found my box of teas! I've got some variety now. Yay!  So I'm off to brew a cuppa. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas or other Holiday. New Years coming up soon. And on the subject of coming up...

Hope springs eternal... can you see the tulips(?) coming up by my front door? There are about 5 stubby starts. They were done blooming and gone before I saw the house last fall. I have no idea what color or even if they are tulips. Something to look forward to. (I know that's bad grammar, but I really don't want to be that formal.)
Hugs to you all,

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas to all!

Hope you all are having a wonderful time.

Here's our little tree - it fits on the coffee table - and that means it fits in our house. After we've enjoyed it for the Season, we'll plant it out in the yard.


We've got branches and lights in the fireplace... branches are thanks to the last big wind we had here last week.

I'm working on a brown and beige string - something I can't tell you about until tomorrow.

Anyway, have a wonderful time.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Early Christmas - practice if you will - with the Grands

We had the local Grandkids and their grown-ups over for Christmas presents and a meatball supper. I had a great time... Hope they did, too.  Here's the pictures

 They are eating the fudge that was in their little baking pots

 These are their grown-ups - their Dad, my SIL and his fiancé.

 This is the next grandgirl to marry - they say after college... I hope so. I'm making the DP Love Ring for their gift.
This one turns 13 in a few days. Already he's about 6' tall.

These are the newly weds... (Can you tell?)

This one is taller, too, and sings!

My little nod to sewing. I'm still working on the Drunkard Path variation, only now instead of hand sewing I'm using the machine. Still pinning like I would for hand sewing, but using the machine. Easier on my hands. The template is set up for hand sewing, so I can't even try to sew without pins... none of the seam allowances are a 1/4", but this way I have a line to sew on, but still have to pin.

This is one of the Christmas cacti that I have. The other isn't even thinking about buds yet. It needs a transplant. Been in that same pot more than 30 years.
Next time I'll show off my little Christmas tree... and my DP blocks, if I can find them all.
Have a wonderful week.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gifts from Sheila

She sent me some homemade goodness! The black/white and red fat quarter was the wrapping along with the red and gold string. All very useful and beautifully made items! Thank you, Sheila.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Got some sewing done

Here are the newest blocks...

Of course, I can't find the ones I did earlier, so no Love Ring layout.
I did get an early Christmas present from Melanie (the Houseelf - see the side bar). There were chocolates, too, but those have met their demise.

 Love the embroidered sheep!  Thanks Melanie. I hung it in the dining room and it adds some Christmassy feeling to our new house.

This is a bit of tiny snowy hail we got for a few minutes one day. Not much rain yet.

This is the view from my living room window...

Since we left CA they are getting some real rain today, and flooding.

Hope you all are warm and dry. 
